Export Lab Notebooks
All levels of the Lab Notebook and Inventory can be exported, using the 2 export options in the More drop down, as shown below. It is possible to export metadata only, or metadata and data (only few GBs).
In this way, users can export their complete lab notebook with all data contained in it. Everything is exported to a zip file, which maintains the same structure used in openBIS. Each folder contains several file formats (.txt, .html, .json, .docx) with the metadata of the corresponding Project, Experiment, Object or Dataset.
A link to download the zip file is sent via email to the user. Email notification needs to be configured by a system admin during or after installation, as explained in Configure Data Store Server .
Export Builder
It is also possible to export the content of the ELN-LIMS using the Export to ZIP under Exports in the Utilities main menu. Here users can select items from different Spaces and export them.