Class PlateIdentifier

    • Constructor Detail

      • PlateIdentifier

        protected PlateIdentifier​(java.lang.String plateCode,
                                  java.lang.String spaceCodeOrNull)
        An empty spaceCode is interpreted as the home space, a null spaceCode is interpreted as 'no space', i.e. identifies a shared sample.
      • PlateIdentifier

        public PlateIdentifier​(java.lang.String plateCode,
                               java.lang.String spaceCodeOrNull,
                               java.lang.String permId)
      • PlateIdentifier

        public PlateIdentifier​(java.lang.String plateCode,
                               java.lang.String spaceCodeOrNull,
                               java.lang.String projectCodeOrNull,
                               java.lang.String permId)
    • Method Detail

      • createFromAugmentedCode

        public static PlateIdentifier createFromAugmentedCode​(java.lang.String augmentedCode)
                                                       throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
        Creates a PlateIdentifier from the given augmentedCode.
        augmentedCode - The augmentedCode in the form /SPACE/PROJECT/EXPERIMENT
        A plate identifier corresponding to augmentedCode. Note that this plate identifier has no perm id set.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the augmentedCode is not in one of the forms /SPACE/PLATE', /PLATE or PLATE.
      • createFromPermId

        public static PlateIdentifier createFromPermId​(java.lang.String permId)
                                                throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
        Creates a PlateIdentifier from the given permId.
        permId - The permId
        A plate identifier corresponding to permId. Note that this plate identifier has no code or space set.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the augmentedCode is not in one of the forms /SPACE/PLATE', /PLATE or PLATE.
      • getPlateCode

        public java.lang.String getPlateCode()
        A code of the plate.
      • tryGetSpaceCode

        public java.lang.String tryGetSpaceCode()
        A code of the space to which the plate belongs or null if it is a shared plate.
      • tryGetProjectCode

        public java.lang.String tryGetProjectCode()
      • getAugmentedCode

        public java.lang.String getAugmentedCode()
        Returns the augmented (full) code of this plate.
      • isSharedPlate

        public boolean isSharedPlate()