Package ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.plugin.screening.shared.api.v1.dto
Data Transfer Objects
Interface Summary Interface Description IDatasetIdentifier Contains data which uniquely define a datasetIFeatureCodesProvider Common interface of classes providing feature codes.IFeatureVectorDatasetIdentifier Uniquely Identifies a feature vector dataset.IImageDatasetIdentifier Contains data which uniquely define an image dataset.IImageRepresentationFormatSelectionCriterion Interface of an image selection criterion based onImageRepresentationFormat
.IPermanentIdentifier A role that represents a permanent identifier in openBIS. -
Class Summary Class Description AbstractFormatSelectionCriterion Abstract super class ofIImageRepresentationFormatSelectionCriterion
which accepting matchingImageRepresentationFormat
instance individually.ColorDepthCriterion Criterion based on the color depth.DataSetCodeAndWellPositions Helper class for parsing strings containing data set code and well positions.DatasetIdentifier Contains data which uniquely define a dataset.DatasetImageRepresentationFormats A bean that lists all image representation formats available for a data set.DatasetImagesReference DatasetOverlayImagesReference DatasetReference Description of one plate-based screening dataset.ExperimentIdentifier Unique identifier for an experiment in openBIS.ExperimentImageMetadata Contains summary meta data for images within an experiment.FeatureInformation A bean that provides information about a feature.FeatureVector Feature vector for one well.FeatureVectorDataset Feature vectors of one dataset.FeatureVectorDatasetReference Description of one feature vector dataset.FeatureVectorDatasetWellReference Reference to one well in a feature vector dataset.FeatureVectorWithDescription Feature vectors of one well in one feature vector dataset.FileTypeCriterion Criterion based on the file type.Geometry Immutable class defining the width and height of something.ImageChannel A class that represents an image channel.ImageChannelStack ImageDatasetEnrichedReference ImageDatasetMetadata Metadata information about images in a specified dataset.ImageDatasetParameters ImageDatasetReference Description of one image dataset.ImageRepresentationFormat An image representation format is made up of its dimensions, bit depth, and file format.ImageRepresentationFormat.ImageRepresentationTransformation ImageResolution ImageSize Width and height of an image.ImageTransformationInfo A class that represents an image transformation.InternalImageChannel InternalImageTransformationInfo LoadImageConfiguration A DTO for transmitting information about how the images should be loaded.LogicalImageInfo Material Material with properties.MaterialIdentifier A unique identifier for a material like e.g.MaterialTypeIdentifier A unique identifier for a material type.MicroscopyImageReference Identifies one image acquired in a microscopy context.OriginalCriterion Criterion which filters image representation formats concerning whether they are original or not.PermanentIdentifier A class representing a permanent identifier in openBIS.Plate Unique identifier for a plate which is assigned to an experiment.PlateIdentifier Contains data which uniquely define a plate.PlateImageReference Identifies one image acquired in a screening context.PlateMetadata Holds the complete metadata of a plate and its wells.PlateWellMaterialMapping PlateWellReferenceWithDatasets Provides a reference to a well on a screening plate, together with available data sets for the screening plate.SizeCriterion Criterion based on the image size.WellIdentifier Contains data which uniquely define a well on a plate.WellLocation WellMetadata WellMetadata
holds a complete set of metadata for an openBIS well.WellPosition Identifier of a well on a screening plate, contains row and column number. -
Enum Summary Enum Description SizeCriterion.Type