Class ExperimentImageMetadata

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ExperimentImageMetadata
    extends java.lang.Object
    Contains summary meta data for images within an experiment.

    Most of the class member fields are optional and will have data populated only if it is valid for all entities within the experiment. For example, the field originalImageSize will not be NULL only if all the images in the experiment have the same size.

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Method Detail

      • getChannels

        public java.util.List<ImageChannel> getChannels()
        Return all channels of images contained in the experiment.
      • getPlateGeometry

        public Geometry getPlateGeometry()
        Returns the plate geometry if all plates in the experiment have the same geometry. Returns NULL if two or more of the experiment's plates have different geometries.
      • getTileGeometry

        public Geometry getTileGeometry()
        Returns the tiles geometry if all tiles in the experiment have the same geometry. Returns NULL if two or more of the experiment's tiles have different geometries.
      • getOriginalImageSize

        public ImageSize getOriginalImageSize()
        Returns the image size if all images in the experiment have the same size. Returns NULL if two or more of the experiment's images have different sizes.
      • getThumbnailImageSizes

        public java.util.List<ImageSize> getThumbnailImageSizes()
        Returns a sorted list of image sizes where for all experiment's images thumbnail images of these sizes exist.
        an empty list if no common thumbnail image size exists.