Interface IScreeningApiServer
- All Superinterfaces:
public interface IScreeningApiServer extends ch.systemsx.cisd.common.api.IRpcService
This interface is a part of the official public screening API. It is forbidden to change it in a non-backward-compatible manner without discussing it with all screening customers.
Field Summary
Fields Modifier and Type Field Description static java.lang.String
static int
The major version of this service.static java.lang.String
Name of this service for which it is registered at the RPC name server.static java.lang.String
Service part of the URL to access this service remotely.
Method Summary
All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Modifier and Type Method Description java.util.List<IDatasetIdentifier>
getDatasetIdentifiers(java.lang.String sessionToken, java.util.List<java.lang.String> datasetCodes)
Converts a given list of dataset codes to dataset identifiers.ExperimentImageMetadata
getExperimentImageMetadata(java.lang.String sessionToken, ExperimentIdentifier experimentIdentifer)
Returns aggregated metadata for all images/plates within one<java.lang.String,LogicalImageInfo>
getImageInfo(java.lang.String sessionToken, java.util.List<java.lang.String> datasetCode)
Returns information about logical image in the given image<java.lang.String,java.util.List<ImageResolution>>
getImageResolutions(java.lang.String sessionToken, java.util.List<java.lang.String> datasetCode)
Returns information about available image resolutions for the given image<PlateMetadata>
getPlateMetadataList(java.lang.String sessionToken, java.util.List<? extends PlateIdentifier> plates)
Fetches the contents of a given list of
getPlateSample(java.lang.String sessionToken, PlateIdentifier plateIdentifier)
For a given plateIdentifier, return the correspondingSample
getWellSample(java.lang.String sessionToken, WellIdentifier wellIdentifier)
For a given wellIdentifier, return the correspondingSample
listAvailableFeatureCodes(java.lang.String sessionToken, java.util.List<? extends IFeatureVectorDatasetIdentifier> featureDatasets)
Groups the specified objects by a data store code and callsIDssServiceRpcScreening.listAvailableFeatureCodes(String, List)
method for each group of objects on appropriate data store<FeatureInformation>
listAvailableFeatures(java.lang.String sessionToken, java.util.List<? extends IFeatureVectorDatasetIdentifier> featureDatasets)
Groups the specified objects by a data store code and callsIDssServiceRpcScreening.listAvailableFeatures(String, List)
method for each group of objects on appropriate data store<DatasetImageRepresentationFormats>
listAvailableImageRepresentationFormats(java.lang.String sessionToken, java.util.List<? extends IDatasetIdentifier> imageDatasets)
Groups the specified objects by a data store code and callsIDssServiceRpcScreening.listAvailableImageRepresentationFormats(String, List)
method for each group of objects on appropriate data store<ExperimentIdentifier>
listExperiments(java.lang.String sessionToken)
Return the list of all visible experiments, along with their hierarchical context (space, project).java.util.List<ExperimentIdentifier>
listExperiments(java.lang.String sessionToken, java.lang.String userId)
Return the list of all experiments visible to user userId, along with their hierarchical context (space, project).java.util.List<FeatureVectorDatasetReference>
listFeatureVectorDatasets(java.lang.String sessionToken, java.util.List<? extends PlateIdentifier> plates)
For a given set of plates (given by space / plate bar code), provide the list of all data sets containing feature vectors for each of these<ImageDatasetReference>
listImageDatasets(java.lang.String sessionToken, java.util.List<? extends PlateIdentifier> plates)
For a given set of plates provide the list of all data sets containing images for each of these<ImageDatasetMetadata>
listImageMetadata(java.lang.String sessionToken, java.util.List<? extends IImageDatasetIdentifier> imageDatasets)
Groups the specified objects by a data store code and callsIDssServiceRpcScreening.listImageMetadata(String, List)
method for each group of objects on appropriate data store<PlateWellMaterialMapping>
listPlateMaterialMapping(java.lang.String sessionToken, java.util.List<? extends PlateIdentifier> plates, MaterialTypeIdentifier materialTypeIdentifierOrNull)
For a given list of plates, return the mapping of plate wells to materials contained in each<Plate>
listPlates(java.lang.String sessionToken)
Return the list of all visible plates assigned to any experiment, along with their hierarchical context (space, project, experiment).java.util.List<Plate>
listPlates(java.lang.String sessionToken, ExperimentIdentifier experiment)
Return the list of all plates assigned to the given<PlateWellReferenceWithDatasets>
listPlateWells(java.lang.String sessionToken, ExperimentIdentifier experimentIdentifer, MaterialIdentifier materialIdentifier, boolean findDatasets)
For the given experimentIdentifier, find all plate locations that are connected to the specified<PlateWellReferenceWithDatasets>
listPlateWells(java.lang.String sessionToken, MaterialIdentifier materialIdentifier, boolean findDatasets)
For the given materialIdentifier, find all plate locations that are connected to<WellIdentifier>
listPlateWells(java.lang.String sessionToken, PlateIdentifier plateIdentifier)
For the given plateIdentifier find all wells that are connected to<ImageDatasetReference>
listRawImageDatasets(java.lang.String sessionToken, java.util.List<? extends PlateIdentifier> plates)
For a given set of plates provide the list of all data sets containing raw images for each of these<ImageDatasetReference>
listSegmentationImageDatasets(java.lang.String sessionToken, java.util.List<? extends PlateIdentifier> plates)
For a given set of plates provide the list of all data sets containing segmentation images for each of these<FeatureVectorDataset>
loadFeatures(java.lang.String sessionToken, java.util.List<FeatureVectorDatasetReference> featureDatasets, java.util.List<java.lang.String> featureCodes)
Groups the specified objects by a data store code and callsIDssServiceRpcScreening.loadFeatures(String, List, List)
method for each group of objects on appropriate data store<FeatureVectorWithDescription>
loadFeaturesForDatasetWellReferences(java.lang.String sessionToken, java.util.List<FeatureVectorDatasetWellReference> datasetWellReferences, java.util.List<java.lang.String> featureCodes)
Groups the specified objects by a data store code and callsIDssServiceRpcScreening.loadFeaturesForDatasetWellReferences(String, List, List)
method for each group of objects on appropriate data store<java.lang.String>
loadImagesBase64(java.lang.String sessionToken, java.util.List<PlateImageReference> imageReferences)
Groups the specified objects by a data store code and callsIDssServiceRpcScreening.loadImagesBase64(String, List)
method for each group of objects on appropriate data store<java.lang.String>
loadImagesBase64(java.lang.String sessionToken, java.util.List<PlateImageReference> imageReferences, boolean convertToPng)
Groups the specified objects by a data store code and callsIDssServiceRpcScreening.loadImagesBase64(String, List, boolean)
method for each group of objects on appropriate data store<java.lang.String>
loadImagesBase64(java.lang.String sessionToken, java.util.List<PlateImageReference> imageReferences, IImageRepresentationFormatSelectionCriterion... criteria)
Groups the specified objects by a data store code and callsIDssServiceRpcScreening.loadImagesBase64(String, List, IImageRepresentationFormatSelectionCriterion...)
method for each group of objects on appropriate data store<java.lang.String>
loadImagesBase64(java.lang.String sessionToken, java.util.List<PlateImageReference> imageReferences, ImageRepresentationFormat format)
Groups the specified objects by a data store code and callsIDssServiceRpcScreening.loadImagesBase64(String, List, ImageRepresentationFormat)
method for each group of objects on appropriate data store<java.lang.String>
loadImagesBase64(java.lang.String sessionToken, java.util.List<PlateImageReference> imageReferences, ImageSize size)
Groups the specified objects by a data store code and callsIDssServiceRpcScreening.loadImagesBase64(String, List, ImageSize)
method for each group of objects on appropriate data store<java.lang.String>
loadImagesBase64(java.lang.String sessionToken, java.util.List<PlateImageReference> imageReferences, LoadImageConfiguration configuration)
Groups the specified objects by a data store code and callsIDssServiceRpcScreening.loadImagesBase64(String, List, LoadImageConfiguration)
method for each group of objects on appropriate data store<java.lang.String>
loadPhysicalThumbnailsBase64(java.lang.String sessionToken, java.util.List<PlateImageReference> imageReferences, ImageRepresentationFormat format)
Groups the specified objects by a data store code and callsIDssServiceRpcScreening.loadPhysicalThumbnailsBase64(String, List, ImageRepresentationFormat)
method for each group of objects on appropriate data store<java.lang.String>
loadThumbnailImagesBase64(java.lang.String sessionToken, java.util.List<PlateImageReference> imageReferences)
Groups the specified objects by a data store code and callsIDssServiceRpcScreening.loadThumbnailImagesBase64(String, List)
method for each group of objects on appropriate data store server.void
logoutScreening(java.lang.String sessionToken)
Logout the session with the specified session
tryLoginScreening(java.lang.String userId, java.lang.String userPassword)
Authenticates the user with a given password.
Field Detail
static final java.lang.String SERVICE_NAME
Name of this service for which it is registered at the RPC name server.- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int MAJOR_VERSION
The major version of this service.- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final java.lang.String SERVICE_URL
Service part of the URL to access this service remotely.- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final java.lang.String JSON_SERVICE_URL
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
Method Detail
@Transactional java.lang.String tryLoginScreening(java.lang.String userId, java.lang.String userPassword) throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Authenticates the user with a given password.- Returns:
- sessionToken if authentication succeeded,
otherwise. - Throws:
@Transactional(readOnly=true) void logoutScreening(java.lang.String sessionToken) throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Logout the session with the specified session token.- Throws:
@Transactional(readOnly=true) java.util.List<Plate> listPlates(java.lang.String sessionToken) throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Return the list of all visible plates assigned to any experiment, along with their hierarchical context (space, project, experiment).- Throws:
@Transactional(readOnly=true) java.util.List<Plate> listPlates(java.lang.String sessionToken, ExperimentIdentifier experiment) throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Return the list of all plates assigned to the given experiment.- Throws:
- Since:
- 1.5
@Transactional(readOnly=true) java.util.List<PlateMetadata> getPlateMetadataList(java.lang.String sessionToken, java.util.List<? extends PlateIdentifier> plates) throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Fetches the contents of a given list of plates. The result will contain well and material properties.- Throws:
- Since:
- 1.8
@Transactional(readOnly=true) java.util.List<ExperimentIdentifier> listExperiments(java.lang.String sessionToken)
Return the list of all visible experiments, along with their hierarchical context (space, project).- Since:
- 1.1
@Transactional(readOnly=true) java.util.List<ExperimentIdentifier> listExperiments(java.lang.String sessionToken, java.lang.String userId)
Return the list of all experiments visible to user userId, along with their hierarchical context (space, project).- Since:
- 1.6
@Transactional(readOnly=true) java.util.List<FeatureVectorDatasetReference> listFeatureVectorDatasets(java.lang.String sessionToken, java.util.List<? extends PlateIdentifier> plates) throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
For a given set of plates (given by space / plate bar code), provide the list of all data sets containing feature vectors for each of these plates.- Throws:
@Transactional(readOnly=true) java.util.List<ImageDatasetReference> listImageDatasets(java.lang.String sessionToken, java.util.List<? extends PlateIdentifier> plates) throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
For a given set of plates provide the list of all data sets containing images for each of these plates.- Throws:
@Transactional(readOnly=true) java.util.Map<java.lang.String,LogicalImageInfo> getImageInfo(java.lang.String sessionToken, java.util.List<java.lang.String> datasetCode)
Returns information about logical image in the given image datasets.
@Transactional(readOnly=true) java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.util.List<ImageResolution>> getImageResolutions(java.lang.String sessionToken, java.util.List<java.lang.String> datasetCode)
Returns information about available image resolutions for the given image datasets.
@Transactional(readOnly=true) java.util.List<ImageDatasetReference> listRawImageDatasets(java.lang.String sessionToken, java.util.List<? extends PlateIdentifier> plates) throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
For a given set of plates provide the list of all data sets containing raw images for each of these plates.- Throws:
- Since:
- 1.6
@Transactional(readOnly=true) java.util.List<ImageDatasetReference> listSegmentationImageDatasets(java.lang.String sessionToken, java.util.List<? extends PlateIdentifier> plates) throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
For a given set of plates provide the list of all data sets containing segmentation images for each of these plates.- Throws:
- Since:
- 1.6
@Transactional(readOnly=true) java.util.List<IDatasetIdentifier> getDatasetIdentifiers(java.lang.String sessionToken, java.util.List<java.lang.String> datasetCodes)
Converts a given list of dataset codes to dataset identifiers.
@Transactional(readOnly=true) java.util.List<PlateWellReferenceWithDatasets> listPlateWells(java.lang.String sessionToken, ExperimentIdentifier experimentIdentifer, MaterialIdentifier materialIdentifier, boolean findDatasets)
For the given experimentIdentifier, find all plate locations that are connected to the specified materialIdentifier. IffindDatasets == true
, find also the connected image and image analysis data sets for the relevant plates.- Since:
- 1.1
@Transactional(readOnly=true) java.util.List<PlateWellReferenceWithDatasets> listPlateWells(java.lang.String sessionToken, MaterialIdentifier materialIdentifier, boolean findDatasets)
For the given materialIdentifier, find all plate locations that are connected to it. IffindDatasets == true
, find also the connected image and image analysis data sets for the relevant plates.- Since:
- 1.2
@Transactional(readOnly=true) java.util.List<WellIdentifier> listPlateWells(java.lang.String sessionToken, PlateIdentifier plateIdentifier)
For the given plateIdentifier find all wells that are connected to it.- Since:
- 1.3
@Transactional(readOnly=true) ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.generic.shared.api.v1.dto.Sample getWellSample(java.lang.String sessionToken, WellIdentifier wellIdentifier)
For a given wellIdentifier, return the correspondingSample
including properties.- Since:
- 1.3
@Transactional(readOnly=true) ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.generic.shared.api.v1.dto.Sample getPlateSample(java.lang.String sessionToken, PlateIdentifier plateIdentifier)
For a given plateIdentifier, return the correspondingSample
.- Since:
- 1.7
@Transactional(readOnly=true) java.util.List<PlateWellMaterialMapping> listPlateMaterialMapping(java.lang.String sessionToken, java.util.List<? extends PlateIdentifier> plates, MaterialTypeIdentifier materialTypeIdentifierOrNull)
For a given list of plates, return the mapping of plate wells to materials contained in each well.- Parameters:
- The list of plates to get the mapping formaterialTypeIdentifierOrNull
- If notnull
, consider only materials of the given type for the mapping.- Returns:
- A list of well to material mappings, one element for each plate.
- Since:
- 1.2
@Transactional(readOnly=true) ExperimentImageMetadata getExperimentImageMetadata(java.lang.String sessionToken, ExperimentIdentifier experimentIdentifer)
Returns aggregated metadata for all images/plates within one experiment.- Since:
- 1.9
@Transactional(readOnly=true) java.util.List<java.lang.String> listAvailableFeatureCodes(java.lang.String sessionToken, java.util.List<? extends IFeatureVectorDatasetIdentifier> featureDatasets)
Groups the specified objects by a data store code and callsIDssServiceRpcScreening.listAvailableFeatureCodes(String, List)
method for each group of objects on appropriate data store server. Results from the data stores are combined and returned as a result of this method.- Since:
- 1.10
@Transactional(readOnly=true) java.util.List<FeatureInformation> listAvailableFeatures(java.lang.String sessionToken, java.util.List<? extends IFeatureVectorDatasetIdentifier> featureDatasets)
Groups the specified objects by a data store code and callsIDssServiceRpcScreening.listAvailableFeatures(String, List)
method for each group of objects on appropriate data store server. Results from the data stores are combined and returned as a result of this method.- Since:
- 1.10
@Transactional(readOnly=true) java.util.List<FeatureVectorDataset> loadFeatures(java.lang.String sessionToken, java.util.List<FeatureVectorDatasetReference> featureDatasets, java.util.List<java.lang.String> featureCodes)
Groups the specified objects by a data store code and callsIDssServiceRpcScreening.loadFeatures(String, List, List)
method for each group of objects on appropriate data store server. Results from the data stores are combined and returned as a result of this method.- Since:
- 1.10
@Transactional(readOnly=true) java.util.List<FeatureVectorWithDescription> loadFeaturesForDatasetWellReferences(java.lang.String sessionToken, java.util.List<FeatureVectorDatasetWellReference> datasetWellReferences, java.util.List<java.lang.String> featureCodes)
Groups the specified objects by a data store code and callsIDssServiceRpcScreening.loadFeaturesForDatasetWellReferences(String, List, List)
method for each group of objects on appropriate data store server. Results from the data stores are combined and returned as a result of this method.- Since:
- 1.10
@Transactional(readOnly=true) java.util.List<java.lang.String> loadImagesBase64(java.lang.String sessionToken, java.util.List<PlateImageReference> imageReferences, boolean convertToPng)
Groups the specified objects by a data store code and callsIDssServiceRpcScreening.loadImagesBase64(String, List, boolean)
method for each group of objects on appropriate data store server. Results from the data stores are combined and returned as a result of this method.- Since:
- 1.10
@Transactional(readOnly=true) java.util.List<java.lang.String> loadThumbnailImagesBase64(java.lang.String sessionToken, java.util.List<PlateImageReference> imageReferences)
Groups the specified objects by a data store code and callsIDssServiceRpcScreening.loadThumbnailImagesBase64(String, List)
method for each group of objects on appropriate data store server. Results from the data stores are combined and returned as a result of this method.- Since:
- 1.10
@Transactional(readOnly=true) java.util.List<java.lang.String> loadImagesBase64(java.lang.String sessionToken, java.util.List<PlateImageReference> imageReferences, ImageSize size)
Groups the specified objects by a data store code and callsIDssServiceRpcScreening.loadImagesBase64(String, List, ImageSize)
method for each group of objects on appropriate data store server. Results from the data stores are combined and returned as a result of this method.- Since:
- 1.10
@Transactional(readOnly=true) java.util.List<java.lang.String> loadImagesBase64(java.lang.String sessionToken, java.util.List<PlateImageReference> imageReferences)
Groups the specified objects by a data store code and callsIDssServiceRpcScreening.loadImagesBase64(String, List)
method for each group of objects on appropriate data store server. Results from the data stores are combined and returned as a result of this method.- Since:
- 1.10
@Transactional(readOnly=true) java.util.List<java.lang.String> loadImagesBase64(java.lang.String sessionToken, java.util.List<PlateImageReference> imageReferences, LoadImageConfiguration configuration)
Groups the specified objects by a data store code and callsIDssServiceRpcScreening.loadImagesBase64(String, List, LoadImageConfiguration)
method for each group of objects on appropriate data store server. Results from the data stores are combined and returned as a result of this method.- Since:
- 1.10
@Transactional(readOnly=true) java.util.List<java.lang.String> loadImagesBase64(java.lang.String sessionToken, java.util.List<PlateImageReference> imageReferences, ImageRepresentationFormat format)
Groups the specified objects by a data store code and callsIDssServiceRpcScreening.loadImagesBase64(String, List, ImageRepresentationFormat)
method for each group of objects on appropriate data store server. Results from the data stores are combined and returned as a result of this method.- Since:
- 1.10
@Transactional(readOnly=true) java.util.List<java.lang.String> loadImagesBase64(java.lang.String sessionToken, java.util.List<PlateImageReference> imageReferences, IImageRepresentationFormatSelectionCriterion... criteria)
Groups the specified objects by a data store code and callsIDssServiceRpcScreening.loadImagesBase64(String, List, IImageRepresentationFormatSelectionCriterion...)
method for each group of objects on appropriate data store server. Results from the data stores are combined and returned as a result of this method.- Since:
- 1.10
@Transactional(readOnly=true) java.util.List<ImageDatasetMetadata> listImageMetadata(java.lang.String sessionToken, java.util.List<? extends IImageDatasetIdentifier> imageDatasets)
Groups the specified objects by a data store code and callsIDssServiceRpcScreening.listImageMetadata(String, List)
method for each group of objects on appropriate data store server. Results from the data stores are combined and returned as a result of this method.- Since:
- 1.10
@Transactional(readOnly=true) java.util.List<DatasetImageRepresentationFormats> listAvailableImageRepresentationFormats(java.lang.String sessionToken, java.util.List<? extends IDatasetIdentifier> imageDatasets)
Groups the specified objects by a data store code and callsIDssServiceRpcScreening.listAvailableImageRepresentationFormats(String, List)
method for each group of objects on appropriate data store server. Results from the data stores are combined and returned as a result of this method.- Since:
- 1.10
@Transactional(readOnly=true) java.util.List<java.lang.String> loadPhysicalThumbnailsBase64(java.lang.String sessionToken, java.util.List<PlateImageReference> imageReferences, ImageRepresentationFormat format)
Groups the specified objects by a data store code and callsIDssServiceRpcScreening.loadPhysicalThumbnailsBase64(String, List, ImageRepresentationFormat)
method for each group of objects on appropriate data store server. Results from the data stores are combined and returned as a result of this method.- Since:
- 1.10