Interface IScreeningApiServer

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface IScreeningApiServer
    extends ch.systemsx.cisd.common.api.IRpcService
    This interface is a part of the official public screening API. It is forbidden to change it in a non-backward-compatible manner without discussing it with all screening customers.
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static java.lang.String JSON_SERVICE_URL  
      static int MAJOR_VERSION
      The major version of this service.
      static java.lang.String SERVICE_NAME
      Name of this service for which it is registered at the RPC name server.
      static java.lang.String SERVICE_URL
      Service part of the URL to access this service remotely.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      java.util.List<IDatasetIdentifier> getDatasetIdentifiers​(java.lang.String sessionToken, java.util.List<java.lang.String> datasetCodes)
      Converts a given list of dataset codes to dataset identifiers.
      ExperimentImageMetadata getExperimentImageMetadata​(java.lang.String sessionToken, ExperimentIdentifier experimentIdentifer)
      Returns aggregated metadata for all images/plates within one experiment.
      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​LogicalImageInfo> getImageInfo​(java.lang.String sessionToken, java.util.List<java.lang.String> datasetCode)
      Returns information about logical image in the given image datasets.
      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.util.List<ImageResolution>> getImageResolutions​(java.lang.String sessionToken, java.util.List<java.lang.String> datasetCode)
      Returns information about available image resolutions for the given image datasets.
      java.util.List<PlateMetadata> getPlateMetadataList​(java.lang.String sessionToken, java.util.List<? extends PlateIdentifier> plates)
      Fetches the contents of a given list of plates.
      ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.generic.shared.api.v1.dto.Sample getPlateSample​(java.lang.String sessionToken, PlateIdentifier plateIdentifier)
      For a given plateIdentifier, return the corresponding Sample.
      ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.generic.shared.api.v1.dto.Sample getWellSample​(java.lang.String sessionToken, WellIdentifier wellIdentifier)
      For a given wellIdentifier, return the corresponding Sample including properties.
      java.util.List<java.lang.String> listAvailableFeatureCodes​(java.lang.String sessionToken, java.util.List<? extends IFeatureVectorDatasetIdentifier> featureDatasets)
      Groups the specified objects by a data store code and calls IDssServiceRpcScreening.listAvailableFeatureCodes(String, List) method for each group of objects on appropriate data store server.
      java.util.List<FeatureInformation> listAvailableFeatures​(java.lang.String sessionToken, java.util.List<? extends IFeatureVectorDatasetIdentifier> featureDatasets)
      Groups the specified objects by a data store code and calls IDssServiceRpcScreening.listAvailableFeatures(String, List) method for each group of objects on appropriate data store server.
      java.util.List<DatasetImageRepresentationFormats> listAvailableImageRepresentationFormats​(java.lang.String sessionToken, java.util.List<? extends IDatasetIdentifier> imageDatasets)
      Groups the specified objects by a data store code and calls IDssServiceRpcScreening.listAvailableImageRepresentationFormats(String, List) method for each group of objects on appropriate data store server.
      java.util.List<ExperimentIdentifier> listExperiments​(java.lang.String sessionToken)
      Return the list of all visible experiments, along with their hierarchical context (space, project).
      java.util.List<ExperimentIdentifier> listExperiments​(java.lang.String sessionToken, java.lang.String userId)
      Return the list of all experiments visible to user userId, along with their hierarchical context (space, project).
      java.util.List<FeatureVectorDatasetReference> listFeatureVectorDatasets​(java.lang.String sessionToken, java.util.List<? extends PlateIdentifier> plates)
      For a given set of plates (given by space / plate bar code), provide the list of all data sets containing feature vectors for each of these plates.
      java.util.List<ImageDatasetReference> listImageDatasets​(java.lang.String sessionToken, java.util.List<? extends PlateIdentifier> plates)
      For a given set of plates provide the list of all data sets containing images for each of these plates.
      java.util.List<ImageDatasetMetadata> listImageMetadata​(java.lang.String sessionToken, java.util.List<? extends IImageDatasetIdentifier> imageDatasets)
      Groups the specified objects by a data store code and calls IDssServiceRpcScreening.listImageMetadata(String, List) method for each group of objects on appropriate data store server.
      java.util.List<PlateWellMaterialMapping> listPlateMaterialMapping​(java.lang.String sessionToken, java.util.List<? extends PlateIdentifier> plates, MaterialTypeIdentifier materialTypeIdentifierOrNull)
      For a given list of plates, return the mapping of plate wells to materials contained in each well.
      java.util.List<Plate> listPlates​(java.lang.String sessionToken)
      Return the list of all visible plates assigned to any experiment, along with their hierarchical context (space, project, experiment).
      java.util.List<Plate> listPlates​(java.lang.String sessionToken, ExperimentIdentifier experiment)
      Return the list of all plates assigned to the given experiment.
      java.util.List<PlateWellReferenceWithDatasets> listPlateWells​(java.lang.String sessionToken, ExperimentIdentifier experimentIdentifer, MaterialIdentifier materialIdentifier, boolean findDatasets)
      For the given experimentIdentifier, find all plate locations that are connected to the specified materialIdentifier.
      java.util.List<PlateWellReferenceWithDatasets> listPlateWells​(java.lang.String sessionToken, MaterialIdentifier materialIdentifier, boolean findDatasets)
      For the given materialIdentifier, find all plate locations that are connected to it.
      java.util.List<WellIdentifier> listPlateWells​(java.lang.String sessionToken, PlateIdentifier plateIdentifier)
      For the given plateIdentifier find all wells that are connected to it.
      java.util.List<ImageDatasetReference> listRawImageDatasets​(java.lang.String sessionToken, java.util.List<? extends PlateIdentifier> plates)
      For a given set of plates provide the list of all data sets containing raw images for each of these plates.
      java.util.List<ImageDatasetReference> listSegmentationImageDatasets​(java.lang.String sessionToken, java.util.List<? extends PlateIdentifier> plates)
      For a given set of plates provide the list of all data sets containing segmentation images for each of these plates.
      java.util.List<FeatureVectorDataset> loadFeatures​(java.lang.String sessionToken, java.util.List<FeatureVectorDatasetReference> featureDatasets, java.util.List<java.lang.String> featureCodes)
      Groups the specified objects by a data store code and calls IDssServiceRpcScreening.loadFeatures(String, List, List) method for each group of objects on appropriate data store server.
      java.util.List<FeatureVectorWithDescription> loadFeaturesForDatasetWellReferences​(java.lang.String sessionToken, java.util.List<FeatureVectorDatasetWellReference> datasetWellReferences, java.util.List<java.lang.String> featureCodes)
      Groups the specified objects by a data store code and calls IDssServiceRpcScreening.loadFeaturesForDatasetWellReferences(String, List, List) method for each group of objects on appropriate data store server.
      java.util.List<java.lang.String> loadImagesBase64​(java.lang.String sessionToken, java.util.List<PlateImageReference> imageReferences)
      Groups the specified objects by a data store code and calls IDssServiceRpcScreening.loadImagesBase64(String, List) method for each group of objects on appropriate data store server.
      java.util.List<java.lang.String> loadImagesBase64​(java.lang.String sessionToken, java.util.List<PlateImageReference> imageReferences, boolean convertToPng)
      Groups the specified objects by a data store code and calls IDssServiceRpcScreening.loadImagesBase64(String, List, boolean) method for each group of objects on appropriate data store server.
      java.util.List<java.lang.String> loadImagesBase64​(java.lang.String sessionToken, java.util.List<PlateImageReference> imageReferences, IImageRepresentationFormatSelectionCriterion... criteria)
      Groups the specified objects by a data store code and calls IDssServiceRpcScreening.loadImagesBase64(String, List, IImageRepresentationFormatSelectionCriterion...) method for each group of objects on appropriate data store server.
      java.util.List<java.lang.String> loadImagesBase64​(java.lang.String sessionToken, java.util.List<PlateImageReference> imageReferences, ImageRepresentationFormat format)
      Groups the specified objects by a data store code and calls IDssServiceRpcScreening.loadImagesBase64(String, List, ImageRepresentationFormat) method for each group of objects on appropriate data store server.
      java.util.List<java.lang.String> loadImagesBase64​(java.lang.String sessionToken, java.util.List<PlateImageReference> imageReferences, ImageSize size)
      Groups the specified objects by a data store code and calls IDssServiceRpcScreening.loadImagesBase64(String, List, ImageSize) method for each group of objects on appropriate data store server.
      java.util.List<java.lang.String> loadImagesBase64​(java.lang.String sessionToken, java.util.List<PlateImageReference> imageReferences, LoadImageConfiguration configuration)
      Groups the specified objects by a data store code and calls IDssServiceRpcScreening.loadImagesBase64(String, List, LoadImageConfiguration) method for each group of objects on appropriate data store server.
      java.util.List<java.lang.String> loadPhysicalThumbnailsBase64​(java.lang.String sessionToken, java.util.List<PlateImageReference> imageReferences, ImageRepresentationFormat format)
      Groups the specified objects by a data store code and calls IDssServiceRpcScreening.loadPhysicalThumbnailsBase64(String, List, ImageRepresentationFormat) method for each group of objects on appropriate data store server.
      java.util.List<java.lang.String> loadThumbnailImagesBase64​(java.lang.String sessionToken, java.util.List<PlateImageReference> imageReferences)
      Groups the specified objects by a data store code and calls IDssServiceRpcScreening.loadThumbnailImagesBase64(String, List) method for each group of objects on appropriate data store server.
      void logoutScreening​(java.lang.String sessionToken)
      Logout the session with the specified session token.
      java.lang.String tryLoginScreening​(java.lang.String userId, java.lang.String userPassword)
      Authenticates the user with a given password.
      • Methods inherited from interface ch.systemsx.cisd.common.api.IRpcService

        getMajorVersion, getMinorVersion
    • Field Detail


        static final java.lang.String SERVICE_NAME
        Name of this service for which it is registered at the RPC name server.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final int MAJOR_VERSION
        The major version of this service.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final java.lang.String SERVICE_URL
        Service part of the URL to access this service remotely.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • tryLoginScreening

        java.lang.String tryLoginScreening​(java.lang.String userId,
                                           java.lang.String userPassword)
                                    throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
        Authenticates the user with a given password.
        sessionToken if authentication succeeded, null otherwise.
      • logoutScreening

        void logoutScreening​(java.lang.String sessionToken)
                      throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
        Logout the session with the specified session token.
      • listPlates

        java.util.List<Plate> listPlates​(java.lang.String sessionToken)
                                  throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
        Return the list of all visible plates assigned to any experiment, along with their hierarchical context (space, project, experiment).
      • listPlates

        java.util.List<Plate> listPlates​(java.lang.String sessionToken,
                                         ExperimentIdentifier experiment)
                                  throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
        Return the list of all plates assigned to the given experiment.
      • getPlateMetadataList

        java.util.List<PlateMetadata> getPlateMetadataList​(java.lang.String sessionToken,
                                                           java.util.List<? extends PlateIdentifier> plates)
                                                    throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
        Fetches the contents of a given list of plates. The result will contain well and material properties.
      • listExperiments

        java.util.List<ExperimentIdentifier> listExperiments​(java.lang.String sessionToken)
        Return the list of all visible experiments, along with their hierarchical context (space, project).
      • listExperiments

        java.util.List<ExperimentIdentifier> listExperiments​(java.lang.String sessionToken,
                                                             java.lang.String userId)
        Return the list of all experiments visible to user userId, along with their hierarchical context (space, project).
      • listFeatureVectorDatasets

        java.util.List<FeatureVectorDatasetReference> listFeatureVectorDatasets​(java.lang.String sessionToken,
                                                                                java.util.List<? extends PlateIdentifier> plates)
                                                                         throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
        For a given set of plates (given by space / plate bar code), provide the list of all data sets containing feature vectors for each of these plates.
      • listImageDatasets

        java.util.List<ImageDatasetReference> listImageDatasets​(java.lang.String sessionToken,
                                                                java.util.List<? extends PlateIdentifier> plates)
                                                         throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
        For a given set of plates provide the list of all data sets containing images for each of these plates.
      • getImageInfo

        java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​LogicalImageInfo> getImageInfo​(java.lang.String sessionToken,
                                                                            java.util.List<java.lang.String> datasetCode)
        Returns information about logical image in the given image datasets.
      • getImageResolutions

        java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.util.List<ImageResolution>> getImageResolutions​(java.lang.String sessionToken,
                                                                                                  java.util.List<java.lang.String> datasetCode)
        Returns information about available image resolutions for the given image datasets.
      • listRawImageDatasets

        java.util.List<ImageDatasetReference> listRawImageDatasets​(java.lang.String sessionToken,
                                                                   java.util.List<? extends PlateIdentifier> plates)
                                                            throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
        For a given set of plates provide the list of all data sets containing raw images for each of these plates.
      • listSegmentationImageDatasets

        java.util.List<ImageDatasetReference> listSegmentationImageDatasets​(java.lang.String sessionToken,
                                                                            java.util.List<? extends PlateIdentifier> plates)
                                                                     throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
        For a given set of plates provide the list of all data sets containing segmentation images for each of these plates.
      • getDatasetIdentifiers

        java.util.List<IDatasetIdentifier> getDatasetIdentifiers​(java.lang.String sessionToken,
                                                                 java.util.List<java.lang.String> datasetCodes)
        Converts a given list of dataset codes to dataset identifiers.
      • listPlateWells

        java.util.List<PlateWellReferenceWithDatasets> listPlateWells​(java.lang.String sessionToken,
                                                                      ExperimentIdentifier experimentIdentifer,
                                                                      MaterialIdentifier materialIdentifier,
                                                                      boolean findDatasets)
        For the given experimentIdentifier, find all plate locations that are connected to the specified materialIdentifier. If findDatasets == true, find also the connected image and image analysis data sets for the relevant plates.
      • listPlateWells

        java.util.List<PlateWellReferenceWithDatasets> listPlateWells​(java.lang.String sessionToken,
                                                                      MaterialIdentifier materialIdentifier,
                                                                      boolean findDatasets)
        For the given materialIdentifier, find all plate locations that are connected to it. If findDatasets == true, find also the connected image and image analysis data sets for the relevant plates.
      • listPlateWells

        java.util.List<WellIdentifier> listPlateWells​(java.lang.String sessionToken,
                                                      PlateIdentifier plateIdentifier)
        For the given plateIdentifier find all wells that are connected to it.
      • getWellSample

        ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.generic.shared.api.v1.dto.Sample getWellSample​(java.lang.String sessionToken,
                                                                                WellIdentifier wellIdentifier)
        For a given wellIdentifier, return the corresponding Sample including properties.
      • getPlateSample

        ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.generic.shared.api.v1.dto.Sample getPlateSample​(java.lang.String sessionToken,
                                                                                 PlateIdentifier plateIdentifier)
        For a given plateIdentifier, return the corresponding Sample.
      • listPlateMaterialMapping

        java.util.List<PlateWellMaterialMapping> listPlateMaterialMapping​(java.lang.String sessionToken,
                                                                          java.util.List<? extends PlateIdentifier> plates,
                                                                          MaterialTypeIdentifier materialTypeIdentifierOrNull)
        For a given list of plates, return the mapping of plate wells to materials contained in each well.
        plates - The list of plates to get the mapping for
        materialTypeIdentifierOrNull - If not null, consider only materials of the given type for the mapping.
        A list of well to material mappings, one element for each plate.
      • getExperimentImageMetadata

        ExperimentImageMetadata getExperimentImageMetadata​(java.lang.String sessionToken,
                                                           ExperimentIdentifier experimentIdentifer)
        Returns aggregated metadata for all images/plates within one experiment.
      • listAvailableFeatureCodes

        java.util.List<java.lang.String> listAvailableFeatureCodes​(java.lang.String sessionToken,
                                                                   java.util.List<? extends IFeatureVectorDatasetIdentifier> featureDatasets)
        Groups the specified objects by a data store code and calls IDssServiceRpcScreening.listAvailableFeatureCodes(String, List) method for each group of objects on appropriate data store server. Results from the data stores are combined and returned as a result of this method.
      • listAvailableFeatures

        java.util.List<FeatureInformation> listAvailableFeatures​(java.lang.String sessionToken,
                                                                 java.util.List<? extends IFeatureVectorDatasetIdentifier> featureDatasets)
        Groups the specified objects by a data store code and calls IDssServiceRpcScreening.listAvailableFeatures(String, List) method for each group of objects on appropriate data store server. Results from the data stores are combined and returned as a result of this method.
      • loadFeatures

        java.util.List<FeatureVectorDataset> loadFeatures​(java.lang.String sessionToken,
                                                          java.util.List<FeatureVectorDatasetReference> featureDatasets,
                                                          java.util.List<java.lang.String> featureCodes)
        Groups the specified objects by a data store code and calls IDssServiceRpcScreening.loadFeatures(String, List, List) method for each group of objects on appropriate data store server. Results from the data stores are combined and returned as a result of this method.
      • loadFeaturesForDatasetWellReferences

        java.util.List<FeatureVectorWithDescription> loadFeaturesForDatasetWellReferences​(java.lang.String sessionToken,
                                                                                          java.util.List<FeatureVectorDatasetWellReference> datasetWellReferences,
                                                                                          java.util.List<java.lang.String> featureCodes)
        Groups the specified objects by a data store code and calls IDssServiceRpcScreening.loadFeaturesForDatasetWellReferences(String, List, List) method for each group of objects on appropriate data store server. Results from the data stores are combined and returned as a result of this method.
      • loadImagesBase64

        java.util.List<java.lang.String> loadImagesBase64​(java.lang.String sessionToken,
                                                          java.util.List<PlateImageReference> imageReferences,
                                                          boolean convertToPng)
        Groups the specified objects by a data store code and calls IDssServiceRpcScreening.loadImagesBase64(String, List, boolean) method for each group of objects on appropriate data store server. Results from the data stores are combined and returned as a result of this method.
      • loadThumbnailImagesBase64

        java.util.List<java.lang.String> loadThumbnailImagesBase64​(java.lang.String sessionToken,
                                                                   java.util.List<PlateImageReference> imageReferences)
        Groups the specified objects by a data store code and calls IDssServiceRpcScreening.loadThumbnailImagesBase64(String, List) method for each group of objects on appropriate data store server. Results from the data stores are combined and returned as a result of this method.
      • loadImagesBase64

        java.util.List<java.lang.String> loadImagesBase64​(java.lang.String sessionToken,
                                                          java.util.List<PlateImageReference> imageReferences,
                                                          ImageSize size)
        Groups the specified objects by a data store code and calls IDssServiceRpcScreening.loadImagesBase64(String, List, ImageSize) method for each group of objects on appropriate data store server. Results from the data stores are combined and returned as a result of this method.
      • loadImagesBase64

        java.util.List<java.lang.String> loadImagesBase64​(java.lang.String sessionToken,
                                                          java.util.List<PlateImageReference> imageReferences)
        Groups the specified objects by a data store code and calls IDssServiceRpcScreening.loadImagesBase64(String, List) method for each group of objects on appropriate data store server. Results from the data stores are combined and returned as a result of this method.
      • loadImagesBase64

        java.util.List<java.lang.String> loadImagesBase64​(java.lang.String sessionToken,
                                                          java.util.List<PlateImageReference> imageReferences,
                                                          LoadImageConfiguration configuration)
        Groups the specified objects by a data store code and calls IDssServiceRpcScreening.loadImagesBase64(String, List, LoadImageConfiguration) method for each group of objects on appropriate data store server. Results from the data stores are combined and returned as a result of this method.
      • loadImagesBase64

        java.util.List<java.lang.String> loadImagesBase64​(java.lang.String sessionToken,
                                                          java.util.List<PlateImageReference> imageReferences,
                                                          ImageRepresentationFormat format)
        Groups the specified objects by a data store code and calls IDssServiceRpcScreening.loadImagesBase64(String, List, ImageRepresentationFormat) method for each group of objects on appropriate data store server. Results from the data stores are combined and returned as a result of this method.
      • loadImagesBase64

        java.util.List<java.lang.String> loadImagesBase64​(java.lang.String sessionToken,
                                                          java.util.List<PlateImageReference> imageReferences,
                                                          IImageRepresentationFormatSelectionCriterion... criteria)
        Groups the specified objects by a data store code and calls IDssServiceRpcScreening.loadImagesBase64(String, List, IImageRepresentationFormatSelectionCriterion...) method for each group of objects on appropriate data store server. Results from the data stores are combined and returned as a result of this method.
      • listImageMetadata

        java.util.List<ImageDatasetMetadata> listImageMetadata​(java.lang.String sessionToken,
                                                               java.util.List<? extends IImageDatasetIdentifier> imageDatasets)
        Groups the specified objects by a data store code and calls IDssServiceRpcScreening.listImageMetadata(String, List) method for each group of objects on appropriate data store server. Results from the data stores are combined and returned as a result of this method.
      • listAvailableImageRepresentationFormats

        java.util.List<DatasetImageRepresentationFormats> listAvailableImageRepresentationFormats​(java.lang.String sessionToken,
                                                                                                  java.util.List<? extends IDatasetIdentifier> imageDatasets)
        Groups the specified objects by a data store code and calls IDssServiceRpcScreening.listAvailableImageRepresentationFormats(String, List) method for each group of objects on appropriate data store server. Results from the data stores are combined and returned as a result of this method.
      • loadPhysicalThumbnailsBase64

        java.util.List<java.lang.String> loadPhysicalThumbnailsBase64​(java.lang.String sessionToken,
                                                                      java.util.List<PlateImageReference> imageReferences,
                                                                      ImageRepresentationFormat format)
        Groups the specified objects by a data store code and calls IDssServiceRpcScreening.loadPhysicalThumbnailsBase64(String, List, ImageRepresentationFormat) method for each group of objects on appropriate data store server. Results from the data stores are combined and returned as a result of this method.