Interface IMasterDataRegistrationTransaction

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface IMasterDataRegistrationTransaction
    API for master data registration. Offers methods for creation and retrieval of openBIS types, property assignments, vocabularies etc.
    • Method Detail

      • createNewExperimentType

        IExperimentType createNewExperimentType​(java.lang.String code)
        Create a new experiment type to register with the openBIS AS.
        code - the experiment type's code.
      • getExperimentType

        IExperimentTypeImmutable getExperimentType​(java.lang.String code)
        Get an experiment type from the openBIS AS. Returns null if the experiment type does not exist.
        An experiment type or null
      • getOrCreateNewExperimentType

        IExperimentType getOrCreateNewExperimentType​(java.lang.String code)
        Gets or creates experiment type from the openBIS AS.
        the already existing type or a freshly created one if it doesn't exist. Setter methods on the returned type are ignored if the type already exists.
      • listExperimentTypes

        java.util.List<IExperimentTypeImmutable> listExperimentTypes()
        Return all experiment types existing in the openBIS AS.
      • createNewSampleType

        ISampleType createNewSampleType​(java.lang.String code)
        Create a new sample type to register with the openBIS AS.
        code - the sample type's code.
      • getSampleType

        ISampleTypeImmutable getSampleType​(java.lang.String code)
        Get a sample type from the openBIS AS. Returns null if the sample type does not exist.
        A sample type or null
      • getOrCreateNewSampleType

        ISampleType getOrCreateNewSampleType​(java.lang.String code)
        Gets or creates sample type from the openBIS AS.
        the already existing type or a freshly created one if it doesn't exist. Setter methods on the returned type are ignored if the type already exists.
      • listSampleTypes

        java.util.List<ISampleTypeImmutable> listSampleTypes()
        Return all sample types existing in the openBIS AS.
      • createNewDataSetType

        IDataSetType createNewDataSetType​(java.lang.String code)
        Create a new data set type to register with the openBIS AS.
        code - the data set type's code.
      • getDataSetType

        IDataSetTypeImmutable getDataSetType​(java.lang.String code)
        Get a data set type from the openBIS AS. Returns null if the data set type does not exist.
        A data set type or null
      • getOrCreateNewDataSetType

        IDataSetType getOrCreateNewDataSetType​(java.lang.String code)
        Gets or creates data set type from the openBIS AS.
        the already existing type or a freshly created one if it doesn't exist. Setter methods on the returned type are ignored if the type already exists.
      • listDataSetTypes

        java.util.List<IDataSetTypeImmutable> listDataSetTypes()
        Return all data set types existing in the openBIS AS.
      • getScript

        IScriptImmutable getScript​(java.lang.String code)
        Get a script from the openBIS AS. Returns null if the script does not exist.
        A script or null
      • getOrCreateNewScript

        IScript getOrCreateNewScript​(java.lang.String code)
        Gets or creates a script from the openBIS AS.
        the already existing script or a freshly created one if it doesn't exist. Setter methods on the returned script are ignored if the script already exists.
      • listScripts

        java.util.List<IScriptImmutable> listScripts()
        Return all scripts existing in the openBIS AS.
      • createNewMaterialType

        IMaterialType createNewMaterialType​(java.lang.String code)
        Create a new material type to register with the openBIS AS.
        code - the material type's code.
      • getMaterialType

        IMaterialTypeImmutable getMaterialType​(java.lang.String code)
        Get a material type from the openBIS AS. Returns null if the material type does not exist.
        A material type or null
      • getOrCreateNewMaterialType

        IMaterialType getOrCreateNewMaterialType​(java.lang.String code)
        Gets or creates material type from the openBIS AS.
        the already existing type or a freshly created one if it doesn't exist. Setter methods on the returned type are ignored if the type already exists.
      • listMaterialTypes

        java.util.List<IMaterialTypeImmutable> listMaterialTypes()
        Return all material types existing in the openBIS AS.
      • createNewPropertyType

        IPropertyType createNewPropertyType​(java.lang.String code,
                                            DataType dataType)
        Create a new property type to register with the openBIS AS.
        code - the property type's code.
        dataType - the data type of the property
      • getPropertyType

        IPropertyTypeImmutable getPropertyType​(java.lang.String code)
        Get a property type from the openBIS AS. Returns null if the property type does not exist.
        A property type or null
      • getOrCreateNewPropertyType

        IPropertyType getOrCreateNewPropertyType​(java.lang.String code,
                                                 DataType dataType)
        Gets or creates property type from the openBIS AS.
        dataType - the data type of the property in case it has to be created.
        the already existing type or a freshly created one if it doesn't exist. Setter methods on the returned type are ignored if the type already exists.
      • listPropertyTypes

        java.util.List<IPropertyTypeImmutable> listPropertyTypes()
        Return all property types existing in the openBIS AS.
      • assignPropertyType

        IPropertyAssignment assignPropertyType​(IEntityType entityType,
                                               IPropertyTypeImmutable propertyType)
        Assigns a property type to an entity type. If the assignment is already established an object is returned where all setter method invocations are silently be ignored.
        entityType - One of IExperimentTypeImmutable, ISampleTypeImmutable, IDataSetTypeImmutable, or IMaterialTypeImmutable.
        propertyType - The property type to assign to the entity type.
        An object representing the assignment.
      • listPropertyAssignments

        java.util.List<IPropertyAssignmentImmutable> listPropertyAssignments()
        Return a list of all existing property assignments.
      • createNewFileFormatType

        IFileFormatType createNewFileFormatType​(java.lang.String code)
        Create a new file format type to register with the openBIS AS.
        code - the file format type's code.
      • getFileFormatType

        IFileFormatTypeImmutable getFileFormatType​(java.lang.String code)
        Get a file format type from the openBIS AS. Returns null if the file format type does not exist.
        A file format type or null
      • getOrCreateNewFileFormatType

        IFileFormatType getOrCreateNewFileFormatType​(java.lang.String code)
        Gets or creates file format type from the openBIS AS.
        the already existing type or a freshly created one if it doesn't exist. Setter methods on the returned type are ignored if the type already exists.
      • listFileFormatTypes

        java.util.List<IFileFormatTypeImmutable> listFileFormatTypes()
        Return all file format types existing in the openBIS AS.
      • createNewVocabulary

        IVocabulary createNewVocabulary​(java.lang.String code)
        Create a new sample type to register with the openBIS AS.
        code - the sample type's code.
      • getVocabulary

        IVocabularyImmutable getVocabulary​(java.lang.String code)
        Get a vocabulary from the openBIS AS. Returns null if the vocabulary does not exist.
        A vocabulary or null
      • getOrCreateNewVocabulary

        IVocabulary getOrCreateNewVocabulary​(java.lang.String code)
        Gets or creates vocabulary type from the openBIS AS.
        the already existing type or a freshly created one if it doesn't exist. Setter methods on the returned type are ignored if the type already exists.
      • listVocabularies

        java.util.List<IVocabularyImmutable> listVocabularies()
        Return all vocabularies existing in the openBIS AS.
      • createNewVocabularyTerm

        IVocabularyTerm createNewVocabularyTerm​(java.lang.String code)
        Create a new vocabulary term. The resulting object can be added to a vocabulary via the IVocabulary.addTerm(IVocabularyTerm) method.
        code - the vocabulary term's code
      • getVocabularyTerm

        IVocabularyTerm getVocabularyTerm​(IVocabularyImmutable vocabulary,
                                          java.lang.String vocabularyTermCode)
        Returns the vocabulary term with specified code from the specified vocabulary.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the specified vocabulary or term doesn't exists.
      • updateVocabularyTerm

        void updateVocabularyTerm​(IVocabularyTerm term)
        Updates the specified vocabulary term.
      • createNewExternalDataManagementSystem

        IExternalDataManagementSystem createNewExternalDataManagementSystem​(java.lang.String code)
        Create a new external data management system to register with the openBIS AS.
        code - the external data management system's code.
      • getExternalDataManagementSystem

        IExternalDataManagementSystemImmutable getExternalDataManagementSystem​(java.lang.String code)
        Get an external data management system from the openBIS AS. Returns null if the external data management system does not exist.
        An external data management system or null
      • getOrCreateNewExternalDataManagementSystem

        IExternalDataManagementSystem getOrCreateNewExternalDataManagementSystem​(java.lang.String code)
        Gets or creates external data management system from the openBIS AS.
        the already existing system or a freshly created one if it doesn't exist. Setter methods on the returned type are ignored if the type already exists.
      • listExternalDataManagementSystems

        java.util.List<IExternalDataManagementSystemImmutable> listExternalDataManagementSystems()
        Return all external data management systems existing in the openBIS AS.