Interface IPropertyAssignment

    • Method Detail

      • setMandatory

        void setMandatory​(boolean mandatory)
        Set to true if the property is mandatory for the assigned entity type.
      • setSection

        void setSection​(java.lang.String section)
        Set the name of the form section. It will appear when editing objects of the specified entity in openBIS. Specifying a section name is optional.
      • setDefaultValue

        void setDefaultValue​(java.lang.String defaultValue)
        Any already existing entity types will receive the specified default value.
      • setPositionInForms

        void setPositionInForms​(java.lang.Long position)
        Sets the position where the property will appear in forms. If not specified the property will be displayed at the bottom of the form.
      • setScriptName

        void setScriptName​(java.lang.String scriptName)
        If handled by a script, the name is set here as a reference.
      • setDynamic

        void setDynamic​(boolean dynamic)
        Set to true if the dynamic property is handled by a script.
      • setManaged

        void setManaged​(boolean managed)
        Set to true if the managed property is handled by a script.
      • setShownEdit

        void setShownEdit​(boolean edit)
        Set to true if the sript-handled property should be shown in the edit mode.