Interface IPropertyAssignmentImmutable

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      EntityKind getEntityKind()
      Return the kind of the assigned entity type.
      java.lang.String getEntityTypeCode()
      Return the code of the assigned entity type.
      java.lang.Long getPositionInForms()
      Return the position at which the property will be rendered when editing/registering objects of the specified entity type.
      java.lang.String getPropertyTypeCode()
      Return the code of the assigned property type.
      java.lang.String getScriptName()
      Return the name of the script in case of a dynamic or managed property
      java.lang.String getSection()
      Return the name of the form section.
      boolean isDynamic()
      Return true if the property is dynamic
      boolean isManaged()
      Return true if the property is managed
      boolean isMandatory()
      Return true if the property is mandatory for the assigned entity type.
      boolean shownInEditViews()
      Return true if the property is shown in the edit views
    • Method Detail

      • getEntityTypeCode

        java.lang.String getEntityTypeCode()
        Return the code of the assigned entity type.
      • getEntityKind

        EntityKind getEntityKind()
        Return the kind of the assigned entity type.
      • getPropertyTypeCode

        java.lang.String getPropertyTypeCode()
        Return the code of the assigned property type.
      • isMandatory

        boolean isMandatory()
        Return true if the property is mandatory for the assigned entity type.
      • getSection

        java.lang.String getSection()
        Return the name of the form section.
      • getPositionInForms

        java.lang.Long getPositionInForms()
        Return the position at which the property will be rendered when editing/registering objects of the specified entity type.
      • getScriptName

        java.lang.String getScriptName()
        Return the name of the script in case of a dynamic or managed property
      • isDynamic

        boolean isDynamic()
        Return true if the property is dynamic
      • isManaged

        boolean isManaged()
        Return true if the property is managed
      • shownInEditViews

        boolean shownInEditViews()
        Return true if the property is shown in the edit views