Interface IVocabulary

    • Method Detail

      • setDescription

        void setDescription​(java.lang.String description)
        Sets the vocabulary description.
      • setManagedInternally

        void setManagedInternally​(boolean isManagedInternally)
        Set to true if the vocabulary is managed internally in openBIS.
      • setInternalNamespace

        void setInternalNamespace​(boolean isInternalNamespace)
        Set to true if the vocabulary is in the internal openBIS namespace.
      • setChosenFromList

        void setChosenFromList​(boolean isChosenFromList)
      • setUrlTemplate

        void setUrlTemplate​(java.lang.String urlTemplate)
        Sets a URL template (e.g a search query) that can display additional information for the concrete vocabulary terms.
      • addTerm

        void addTerm​(IVocabularyTerm term)
        adds a vocabulary term to the dictionary.