openBIS UGM 2025

The openBIS User Group Meeting 2025 will take place from 22nd of September till 24th or 25th of September 2025.

It will be hosted by BAM  in Berlin.


Provisional program


22.09 Talks from users and round table discussion with the openBIS team.

23.09 Parallel sessions:

  • Introduction to AFS & migration of dropbox scripts + work on concrete migration use-cases proposed by users.
  • Trainings. Possible topics: data modelling, PyBIS, admin training, user training, other.

24.09 Hackaton sessions on topics proposed by the community.

25.09 Hackaton sessions on topics proposed by the community.

The duration of the hackaton sessions (1 or 2 days) will be based on the topics proposed by users.




  1. Talks: If you would like to contribute with a talk on day 1, please contact
  2. Trainings: Suggestions for trainings to have on day 2 can be submitted on 
  3. Hackaton: Topics to be considered for the hackaton sessions on day 3 and 4 can be submitted on


All contributions should be submitted by 16.05.2025.