AbstractEntitySearchResultLocation |
Abstract super class of SearchDomain results based of openBIS entities.
AlignmentMatch |
Alignment match between a sequence and a query.
Attachment |
Immutable value object representing an attachment.
Attachment.AttachmentInitializer |
BlastScore |
Wraps raw score, bit score and evalue of a BLAST search result.
ControlledVocabularyPropertyType |
ControlledVocabularyPropertyType.ControlledVocabularyPropertyTypeInitializer |
ControlledVocabularyPropertyType.VocabularyTerm |
DataSet |
Immutable value object representing a data set.
DataSet.DataSetInitializer |
Class used to initialize a new data set instance.
DataSetFetchOptions |
DataSetFileBlastSearchResultLocation |
DataSetFileSearchResultLocation |
Result location for a search in a sequence in a file in data set.
DataSetType |
Immutable value object representing a data set type.
DataSetType.DataSetTypeInitializer |
DataSetTypeFilter |
A class that filters out data set types based on a whitelist or blacklist.
DataStore |
DataStoreURLForDataSets |
The data store URL for a set of data sets.
DeletedEntity |
Deletion |
EntityPropertyBlastSearchResultLocation |
EntityPropertySearchResultLocation |
Result location for a search in a sequence in an entity property.
EntityRegistrationDetails |
A class that encapsulates the details about entity registration.
EntityRegistrationDetails.EntityRegistrationDetailsInitializer |
Class used to initialize an EntityRegistrationDetails object.
EntityType |
Common attributes of all entity types.
EntityTypeInitializer |
Generic part of all entity type initializers.
Experiment |
Immutable value object representing an experiment.
Experiment.ExperimentInitializer |
Class used to initialize a new experiment instance.
ExperimentType |
Immutable value object representing an experiment type.
ExperimentType.ExperimentTypeInitializer |
Material |
Material.MaterialInitializer |
MaterialIdentifier |
MaterialTypeIdentifier |
duplicated from ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.plugin.screening.shared.api.v1.dto.MaterialTypeIdentifier
MetaprojectAssignments |
MetaprojectAssignmentsIds |
NewVocabularyTerm |
A value object representing a new vocabulary term to be created by the openBIS backend.
Project |
Immutable value object representing a project.
PropertyType |
Immutable value object representing a property type.
PropertyType.PropertyTypeInitializer |
Class used to initialize a new data set instance.
PropertyTypeGroup |
Immutable value object representing a data set type.
PropertyTypeGroup.PropertyTypeGroupInitializer |
Class used to initialize a new data set instance.
Role |
Immutable value object representing an authorization role.
Sample |
Immutable value object representing a sample.
Sample.SampleInitializer |
Class used to initialize a new sample instance.
SampleType |
Immutable value object representing a sample type.
SampleType.SampleTypeInitializer |
Class used to initialize a new SampleType instance.
SearchCriteria |
A (mutable) object representing the specification of a search.
SearchCriteria.AnyFieldMatchClause |
A MatchClause for checking that any of the properties or attributes equals a desired value.
SearchCriteria.AnyPropertyMatchClause |
A MatchClause for checking that any of the properties equals a desired value.
SearchCriteria.AttributeMatchClause |
A MatchClause for checking that an attribute equals a desired value.
SearchCriteria.MatchClause |
A specification of one field (either property or attribute) and desired value for that field.
SearchCriteria.PropertyMatchClause |
A MatchClause for checking that a property equals a desired value.
SearchCriteria.TimeAttributeMatchClause |
A MatchClause for comparing a time attribute to a specified value.
SearchDomain |
SearchDomainSearchOption |
Search option of a Search Domain.
SearchDomainSearchResult |
Result of a search on a search domain.
SearchSubCriteria |
A specification of criteria for a subquery about a connected entity.
SpaceWithProjectsAndRoleAssignments |
Bean which represents a space, all its projects, and all its relevant role assignments
ValidationPluginInfo |
Value object with name and optional description of a validation plugin.
Vocabulary |
Immutable value object representing an openBIS vocabulary.
Vocabulary.VocabularyInitializer |
VocabularyTerm |
WebAppSettings |
A map containing persistent settings for an openBIS web app.