AuthorizationFailureException |
ConfigurationFailureException |
The ConfigurationFailureException is the super class of all exceptions that have their cause in an inappropriate configuration of the
EnvironmentFailureException |
The EnvironmentFailureException is the super class of all exceptions that have their cause in the software or hardware environment of
the system failing.
ExceptionWithStatus |
FileExistsException |
An exception indicating that an output file already exists.
HighLevelException |
An exception that is "high-level" in the sense that we have a pretty good understanding what the failure means in the context where the exception
has been thrown.
InternalErr |
Exception representing internal error in the program caused by programmer error.
InvalidAuthenticationException |
Exception to be thrown when authentication of a service at another service fails.
InvalidExternalDataException |
Data provided to the system from another system is invalid.
InvalidSessionException |
This UserFailureException extension signals that a session has expired.
MasqueradingException |
A RuntimeException extension which almost clones given rootException without saving it as cause.
NotImplementedException |
This is an extension to the RuntimeException for unimplemented methods.
SystemExitException |
Thrown by SystemExit instead of plain RuntimeException
UnknownLastChangedException |
Used to signal the error of getting last modification time of a store item
UserFailureException |
The UserFailureException is the super class of all exceptions that have their cause in an inappropriate usage of the system.