Interface IStructuredPropertyConverter

  • public interface IStructuredPropertyConverter
    Abstracts the conversion of Element objects to/from database strings.
    • Method Detail

      • convertToElements

        java.util.List<IElement> convertToElements​(ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.generic.shared.basic.dto.api.IManagedProperty property)
        Converts the values of specified property into a list of elements.
        an empty list if the value is undefined or special.
      • convertStringToElements

        java.util.List<IElement> convertStringToElements​(java.lang.String propertyValue)
        Converts the values of specified String object into a list of elements.
        an empty list if the value is undefined or special.
      • convertToString

        java.lang.String convertToString​(java.util.List<IElement> elements)
        a String representation of the specified elements that can be persisted in the database.