All Classes
All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Annotation Types Summary Class Description AbstractDataSetAccessPredicate<T,D> Abstract super class of all implementations checking data set access.AuthorizationGuard Parameter annotation to specify which authorization class should be used to check user access.DataSetAccessGuard Annotation for service methods to automagically check that the user invoking the method has access to the data set.DataSetCodeStringPredicate Predicate for checking that the current user has access to a data set specified by code.DataSetFileDTOPredicate Predicate for checking that the current user has access to a data set specified by a DataSetFileDTODssSessionAuthorizationHolder Holder object forIDssSessionAuthorizer
.IAttachmentImmutable IAuthorizationGroupImmutable An interface for authorization groups from the database that should not be altered.IAuthorizationGuardPredicate<T,D> Interface for objects that can function as guardClasses in an AuthorizationGuard.IAuthorizationGuardPredicate<T,D> Interface for objects that can function as guardClasses in an AuthorizationGuard.IAuthorizationService IAuthorizationService IDataSet Abstraction of a data set with both content and metadata.IDataSetContentProvider Interface for classes providingIHierarchicalContent
of a data set.IDataSetContentProvider Interface for classes providingIHierarchicalContent
of a data set.IDataSetImmutable A data set that has already been stored in openBIS.IDataSetImmutable A data set that has already been stored in openBIS.IDataSetPredicate<A> Interface implemented by classes which are able to extract data set codes from a method argument of typeA
.IDataSetPredicate<A> Interface implemented by classes which are able to extract data set codes from a method argument of typeA
.IDataSourceQueryService A service that supports executing queries on a data source configured in the DSS The IDssServiceRpcGeneric interface extended with methods that are internal to the DSS server.IDssSessionAuthorizer Role that allows to authorize calls in DSS for a given session.IEmailSender Builds and sender of an email with an optional attachment.IExperimentImmutable Read-only interface to an existing experiment.IExperimentImmutable Read-only interface to an existing experiment.IExternalDataManagementSystemImmutable IExternalDataManagementSystemImmutable IMailService Service for creating and sending emails with attachmentsIMaterialImmutable IMaterialImmutable IMetaprojectAssignments IMetaprojectAssignments IMetaprojectContent Interface grouping all entities that can belong in metaproject.IMetaprojectContent Interface grouping all entities that can belong in metaproject.IMetaprojectImmutable IMetaprojectImmutable IProjectImmutable IProjectImmutable IPropertyAssignmentImmutable The definition of a property assigned to entity type.IPropertyAssignmentImmutable The definition of a property assigned to entity type.IRoleAssignmentImmutable An interface for role assignments from the database that should not be altered.ISampleImmutable An interface for samples from the database that should not be altered.ISampleImmutable An interface for samples from the database that should not be altered.ISearchDomainService Interface for a search domain service.ISearchService ISearchService ISessionWorkspaceProvider A provider for a workspace directory with the lifetime of a user session.ISpaceImmutable An interface for spaces from the database that should not be altered.ISpaceImmutable An interface for spaces from the database that should not be altered.IUserImmutable An interface for users (persons) from the database that should not be altered.IVocabularyImmutable Read-only interface to a vocabulary.IVocabularyImmutable Read-only interface to a vocabulary.IVocabularyTermImmutable Read-only interface to an existing vocabulary term.IVocabularyTermImmutable Read-only interface to an existing vocabulary term.MaterialIdentifierCollection A collection of material identifiers.MaterialIdentifierCollection A collection of material identifiers.NewDataSetPredicate Predicate for checking that the new data set can be registered (i.e., user has access to the space for the new data set).PrivilegeLevel Privilege level of data set access.